Wednesday, July 20, 2011

IRS 2012 HSA Contribution Allowances

The IRS can increased HSA Contribution Limits for 2012.  The new limits are $3,100 for individual coverage and $6,250 for family coverage.  The new maximum out-of-pocket expenses for a HSA-eligible health plan is $6,050 for individual coverage and $12,100 for family coverage.

Read more about the IRS Changes in this great email blast below from United Healthcare.

Friday, July 8, 2011

PrimeGroup Sponsors hYPe Event

PGI's North Palm office was one of the sponsors of the North Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce's hYPe event held a few weeks ago at Dirty Martini.  The event was a huge success and tons of fun.  PGI's Jenna Jones is below in an article featured in Florida Weekly.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ali's Alliance Fundraiser In Herlife Magazine

I had the wonderful pleasure of helping with the set up of a fundraiser for the most wonderful cause--Ali's Alliance.  Ali's Alliance is a unique search engine to help those battling cancer and their loved ones find the resources, news, and support they need in this most difficult time in their lives.  Ali's Alliance very first event was held at the North Palm Beach Country Club and raised about $15,000 by hosting a fun filled casino night.  Below is a wonderful article about the event that was featured in HERLIFE Magazine.  Yes, that is me throwing the dice at the craps table in the top photo---what can I say, I will do anything to help raise money for a good cause.